Understanding clients risk tolerance
We use a one page analysis to start the conversation with the clients about how much risk they can tolerate. This provides us with information about whether a client is a Defensive, Conservative, Balanced, Growth or more Aggressive investor.
We don't take on Defensive investors, we recommend that they leave the money in the bank. We have model portfolios for the middle three risk profiles and we adapt the Growth risk profile for personalised advice for the small group of more aggressive investors, or where we are only managing the equity component of their assets.
The annual review document has two sections reminding clients of what this risk profile means and we review clients risk profile if their situation changes and from time to time as is applicable.
Moneyworks NZ Ltd
P: 0800 225 621
E: contact@moneyworks.co.nz
P O Box 1003, Cambridge 3450
Licensed Financial Advice Provider - FSP 15281
Regulatory Information: Moneyworks is a Licensed Financial Advice Provider (FSP15281), and AML Reporting Entity and is supervised by the Financial Markets Authority.